
Former CEO claims to have an army of 'hackers and cyber sleuths' that can prove Trump won reelection - Salt Lake Tribune

The former CEO of Utah-based — an eccentric millionaire who resigned last year after saying he had a romantic relationship with alleged Russian spy Maria Butina at the request of the FBI — said this week that he’s now funding an army of hackers to try to prove that President Donald Trump won reelection.

Patrick Byrne made the claim Tuesday during an interview on One America News, a far-right, pro-Trump cable channel. His accusations that Democrats manipulated the election and stole votes from Trump are unfounded.

Still, he said: “I’ve funded a team of hackers and cybersleuths, other people with odd skills” in an attempt to show otherwise.

Byrne, 57, also spoke about his plans this week on several YouTube shows and podcasts hosted by individuals who promote the QAnon conspiracy theory, which alleges a cabal of elites and liberals are involved in a worldwide child pedophile ring that Trump is fighting. At the center of the conspiracy is an anonymous character known as “Q” who posts cryptic messages online. The FBI has labeled the group a potential domestic terror threat.

“I’m a free agent, and I’m self-funded, and I’m funding this army of various odd people,” Byrne told a QAnon supporter during one podcast later reported on by The Daily Beast. “It’s really going to make a great movie someday.”

Byrne said he’s been concerned since August that the voting machines used in the election were faulty and changed the vote tallies against Trump. And he believes his team of “hackers and crackers” have the proof. That’s partly the same argument that Trump’s team of lawyers has claimed, as well, in calling for a recount.

But the voting machine company has repeatedly denied any malfunctions with the equipment. And there is no evidence that any votes were miscounted or altered as Byrne claims. He did not provide any proof during his interviews.

In an emailed statement Saturday, Byrne added only: “For some months I proudly have been funding a Bad News Bears collection of just the right spooks, lawyers and ethical hackers, patriots all, to reverse engineer, infiltrate, and disrupt this coup.”

The founder and former CEO of has drawn attention for his controversial views over the years. That exploded in July 2019 when he decided to go public about his apparent involvement with investigations into Russian interference in U.S. elections and his alleged relationship with Butina at the behest of the “Men in Black.” Butina is the lone Russian national arrested in U.S. probes of interference in the 2016 presidential election.

“Though patriotic Americans are writing me in support,” Byrne said at the time, “my presence may affect and complicate all manner of business relationships, from insurability to strategic discussions regarding our retail business.

In addition to locating his business in Utah, Byrne has been deeply involved in politics in the state. He spent $850,000 to support the campaign of former executive and now interim CEO Jonathan Johnson, leading Gov. Gary Herbert to criticize Byrne as Johnson’s “sugar daddy.” Johnson topped Herbert in the GOP Convention but was defeated in the primary.

He has also supported school voucher efforts here.

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November 29, 2020 at 02:23AM

Former CEO claims to have an army of 'hackers and cyber sleuths' that can prove Trump won reelection - Salt Lake Tribune
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