• Two Palestinian men accused of collaborating with the IDF were executed, say reports.
  • The men were reportedly complicit in the deaths of three Palestinian fighter.
  • The "Resistance Security" organization behind the executions declared a zero-tolerance policy for informants.

Two Palestinians accused of collaborating with Israel were executed and their corpses put on public display, Israeli news outlets reported.

The two men were executed in Tulkarm on the West Bank, accused of being Israeli collaborators on Friday night, per i24NEWS.

The men, whom Israeli media disclosed as 31-year-old Hamza Mabarech and 29-year-old Azzam Joabra, were accused of being involved in the death of three Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorists earlier this month, according to the N12 new outlet.

The suspects, one of whom detailed the collaboration in video recordings, confessed to receiving substantial sums — 17,000 shekels ($4,600) and 10,000 shekels ($2,700), respectively.

Videos on social media appeared to show one man suspended from an electricity pylon and a second hanging upside down from a wall. A large crowd gathered to chant "Allahu Akbar," and many appear to be filming the bodies.

Insider was unable to verify the footage.

Executions by firing squad

The self-proclaimed "Resistance Security" organization claimed responsibility for the executions by firing squad, emphasizing a zero-tolerance policy for informants or traitors, said reports.

The statement warned that anyone proven to be involved in the assassination of their fighters would face severe consequences, including the possibility of a death sentence.

A third man accused of being a spy was executed in Jenin, also on the West Bank, The Jerusalem Post reported.

Violence in the West Bank has dramatically increased since the Hamas terrorist attacks on Israel on October 7 . The IDF's actions in the West Bank have focused on arrests and targeted assassinations. Extremist Jewish settlers have also launched attacks on Palestinian civilians.

During a recent operation in the Tulkarm refugee camp, military forces uncovered roads rigged with explosives, accompanied by aerial attacks on terrorists, per Ynet. The operation resulted in the deaths of six individuals believed to be involved in militant activities.